
  • 7,537




⠹ Tracker Description ⠏

TheGeeks was born as an expansion to ThePlace.click (Seduction and Self Help), TheVault.click (Business and Wealth), and TheOccult.click (Esoteric Studies). TheGeeks aims to be the one stop knowledge shop for educating the masses.
TG is an eLearning tracker, created to include topics and disciplines which are not directly covered by our sister sites. Subject areas include a broad range of academic disciplines, general and technical knowledge. Our main focus is to build and provide a community for people interested in enriching their minds. A place where knowledge seekers can interact, educate and constantly improve themselves, regardless of their station in life.
TG contains great variety of contents of audio books , docs, business in addition to food,gaming,photography,science,politicals,etc...
TG is a ration-based tracker and contains Freeleech system.

【TheGeeks】资源数量不错的学习、教程、纪录片PT站开放注册 【TheGeeks】资源数量不错的学习、教程、纪录片PT站开放注册

需要TheGeeks注册地址的请使用微信扫描下面二维码后关注本站微信公众号,然后在公众号中回复“TheGeeks”即可获取TheGeeks PT站注册地址。

微信扫一扫关注此公众号, 获取PT站注册地址! weinxin

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月24日 16:58:15
【hdclone】开放注册 开放注册


一年多的PT站,资源1500多,保种不太理想。这个站目前以转载FRDS、beAst、CMCT、TLF、WIKI等著名压制组资源为主。 要hdclone注册地址的请使用微信扫描下面二维码后关注本站微信公...
【明教/hdpt】开放注册中 开放注册


两年多的PT站,资源40000多,保种比较一般,没大站的或者收割党可以入的。 要明教注册地址的请使用微信扫描下面二维码后关注本站微信公众号,然后在公众号中回复“明教”即可获取明教PT站地址。
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匿名网友 填写信息

:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
